Are you planning a website?  Then let us help you to:
  • Evaluate, analyze and re-design your website for a enhanced online presence
  • Design quick loading, attractive user-friendly navigation
  • Increase traffic to your website by optimizing it for enhanced SEO rankings
  • Maintain and regularly update your website with up-to-date content and fix any broken links

Websites that are regularly updated with fresh content get more traffic – and more traffic means more business! Having out-dated information or broken links on a Website, not only hurts your image but also discourages repeat visitors. It is essential to keep your site as up-to-date as possible and we help you achieve this from our off-shore development facility.

We design quality standard websites that are:
  • Quick loading, attractive with user friendly navigation
  • Search engine ready
  • Browser Compatible
  • Resolution Compatible
  • Easy to update and expand

We work with a senior team of programmers and application specialists in the USA, Europe and India to develop, maintain proprietary and open source solutions. We have selected several Partners that provide additional capabilities that we have integrated into our solution.  Our Partner’s pride themselves on having experienced web developers with application expertise in emerging verticals. The web developers are a team of highly motivated and accomplished individuals who are continually looking for ways to innovate and enhance themselves.

With our off-shore lower costs  for web development, Internet presence has become a marketing vehicle that both small and large businesses can afford.

Portal Development

Portals are web applications that use common framework-based interfaces and technologies to integrate multiple related but independent content and applications or other knowledge management through Portlets serving its audience with customization and personalization capabilities. Portals have become a popular means to offer diverse, customized information and transactional capabilities without significant rework of an organization’s technical infrastructure.

Digital Learning Solutions can help you architect and deploy a portal that will allow you to centrally manage your infrastructure while allowing distributed design and development of portal applications. Digital Learning Solutions will architect systems that will enable you to optimize your portal application effectiveness with existing or Open Source technologies. We will work with you to define the application architecture and evaluate and select the appropriate tools and technologies ensuring that they can leverage all of the capabilities of the appropriate technologies. We specialize in driving ease-of-use and business effectiveness across your organization’s various platforms and leverage your organization’s existing knowledge base. We focus on each and every aspect of website development

Content Management Systems

A content management system (CMS) is a system used to manage and facilitate collaborative creation of documents and other content. An online CMS is a web based application used for managing websites and web content online. CMS system has inbuilt WYSIWYG editor with the help of which a person having working knowledge of Microsoft word can update html content.
 A CMS has the capability, for an end user, to add or change site pages/content while defining all the meta content like title, keywords, descriptions, etc . Defining the metadata helps to promote your site with search engines and improve the site rankings. We work with several CMS’s including Drupal, WordPress, Joomla, Mambo, phpBB, PHP Nuke, PostNuke, VBuletin and others.

We have a well defined process to select the right CMS based on your business needs for your website development.


Digital Learning Solutions E-Commerce development is based on your organizations specific business objectives and business processes. DLS not only takes into account the problem or issue requiring resolution, we also measure our recommendations against the benefits which they are designed to deliver. Digital Learning Solutions believes that integrating business systems, moving commerce to the web or sharing content within a department or among multiple departments is critical for your clients. We have implemented various integrated Open Source and proprietary CMS and systems with eCommerce products such as Zencart and OScommerce that have improved access to company information and data while facilitating more efficient document management and transaction processing. We specialize in driving ease-of-use and business effectiveness across your organization’s various platforms and leverage your organization’s existing knowledge base.